Resources - Partial List
Introduction to the Beats:
- Go (John Clellan Homes)
- The Beat Generation in San Francisco; A Literary Tour (Bill Morgan)
- The Best Minds of My Generation, A Literary History of the Beats
(Allen Ginsberg)
- The Rolling Stone Book of the Beats (Holly George-Warren, ed.)
- The Typewriter is Holy; the Complete Uncensored History of the Beat
Generation (Bill Morgan)
- The Beat Book (Volume 4, 1974; the unspeakable visions of the individual)
(Arthur Winfield Knight and Glee Knight, ed.)
- The Portable Beat Reader (Ann Charters, ed.)
Allen Ginsberg:
- As Ever, The Collected Correspondence of Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady
(Barry Gifford, ed.)
- Best Minds, A tribute to Allen Ginsberg (Bill Morgan and Bob Rosenthal, ed.)
- I Celebrate Myself; The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg (Bill Morgan)
Carolyn Cassady:
- Off the Road (Carolyn Cassady)
- Travel Tips for the Timid, Or What Guidebooks Never Tell
(Carolyn Cassady; Cathy Cassady, ed.)
- Poetic Portrait: Carolyn Cassady Revealed in Poetry and Prose
(Carolyn Cassady; Cathy Cassady)
- What’s Her Name Podcast:
- Documentary by Carl Stickley in celebration of Carolyn's 89th birthday
Neal Cassady:
- The First Third (Neal Cassady)
- Grace Beats Karma; Letters From Prison (1958-1960) (Neal Cassady)
- Neal Cassady, The Fast Life of a Beat Hero
(David Sandison and Graham Vickers)
- Neal Cassady Collected Letters (1944-1967) (Dave Moore, ed.)
- The Holy Goof; A Biography of Neal Cassady (William Plummer)
- The Beats’ Holy Grail (David L. Ulin) Alta Magazine, October 3, 2018
- Documentary: Neal Cassady, The Denver Years
(Colorado Public Television and Mother Mind Studios)
- Neal Cassady Estate website
- Alta Magazine interview re: “The Joan Anderson Letter”
Jack Kerouac:
- On the Road (Jack Kerouac)
- On The Road – The Original Scroll (Howard Cunnell, ed)
- Kerouac, A Biography (Ann Charters)
- Desolate Angel; Jack Kerouac, The Beat Generation, and America
(Dennis McNally)
- Jack Kerouac (David Sandison)
- Jack Kerouac Angelheaded Hipster (Steve Turner)
- Jack Kerouac Selected Letters (1940-1956) (Ann Charters, ed.)
- Memory Babe; A Critical Biography of Jack Kerouac (Gerald Nicosia)
Women of the Beat Generation:
- Women of the Beat Generation; The Writers, Artists and Muses at the Heart of a Revolution (Brenda Knight)
- Minor Characters, A Beat Memoir (Joyce Johnson)
- Nobody’s Wife, The Smark Aleck and the King of the Beats
(Joan Haverty Kerouac)
For Fun!
Brian Hassett’s series:
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Jack Kerouac
How the Beats Begat the Pranksters
On the Road With Cassadys
Holy Cats! Dream-Catching at Woodstock